Sunday, May 20, 2012


     All I knew was that I had to fight back.  I wouldn’t let this person hurt me in front of Jason.  If I were to be killed in front of him, I don’t know how he would ever move on in life.  His heart, which was filled with so much passion and love, would be torn to shreds and could no longer function properly.  The life in his sea colored eyes would fade and go dull.  No, I would not let this monster destroy Jason like that.  So I fought.  I fought with everything I have.
     I elbowed the man in stomach and me made a umph noise and loosened his grip.  I looked up and saw that Jason wasn’t at the door anymore.  Where could he possibly have gone?
     I elbowed him over and over until my attacker finally fell to the floor and released me from his grip.  I scrambled to catch my footing when there was a warm grip around my ankle.  I landed on the floor with a loud thud.  My hands clung to the rods along the stairs as I kicked out at the man, but it was no use.
     In a matter of seconds my arms were pinned to the ground and the masked face loomed over me.
     “Okay,” I said as calmly as I could manage, “so you’re going to kill me and I know that.  But can I at least die knowing the whole story?”
     He laughed.  “You were always so stupid!” I knew the voice instantly.

    My life wasn’t always like this.  I liked to believe that my life was the one of a normal teenage girl.  But who was I kidding?  I hadn’t been a normal teenager since the eighth grade.  That was when my life twisted upside down for the first time.  I was just starting to get over it when I met him.  He was perfect in every way and I was completely in love with him.  But somebody didn’t want us to be together, and they were willing to do whatever it took to keep us apart…
     This is my story—the story of Lily Hawthorne, from the beginning.

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